Saturday, 24 February 2007

Sczaniecki past

Tomek took the day off Monday 19, and we packed in a full day of touring the old Sczaniecki family estates (my mom's side of the family). It's a fact of life that wars happen and people and places are lost.

We first visited Srocko (more of less squeezed through a gap in the fence) and the parish church nearby. Communists pretty much destroyed the house and it is left with an ugly attachment, and crumbling walls. This house was to be for my grandfather as Laszczin was going to go to Jozef, the oldest son (who was taking care of the place until my great-grandfather died).

The family's estate in Laszczin was at least being used; now as a children's home housing 42 children from 6 to 14 years of age. We stopped at the church behind the property and found a little funeral chapel where my great-great-great grandfather and his wife were buried (Ignacious and Fillipina Sczaniecki, 1857 and 1864). The fireplace, part of the stairs, and a few light fixtures are all that remain of its pre-war beauty.

Szczanca was the last place we visited, named after the Sczaniecki family. The school had a room where much of the family history had been cataloged and pictured.

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