Wednesday, 14 February 2007


These are some pictures of my cousin, Maria, and her son (as well as others living in the house in Milanowek (outside of Warsaw). There was snow everywhere and it was FREEZING!!!!!!!!! Minus 10C when Lidia (blonde girl pictured) and I were touring Warsaw and minus 12C the next morning. That's not including the windchill, and there was definetly a wind blowing.

I met Lidia in Brussels and we spent most of our free time together there as well as in Warsaw. It's great to have a travel buddy who knows their way around town.

Cousin: Maria
her son: Juzo
Lidia and the other boy, Staszu, is Etyda's son
dog: Kormusz ... very loveable and great with kids, but the biggest pain to walk when it's icy outside as he wants to get in a fight with every dog, and possibly person, he sees outside of his yard.


Anonymous said...

oh what a nice coat ;)

Anonymous said...

Is your neck any better? Or was it torture playing with that kid? :-D Glad to see you're doing a'ight. You should swing back down before you head back home. *muah* - jocelyn

boomtinks said...

my neck feels a lot better!!! Still can't go all the way over to the right but that doesn't get in my way. The kids were great, no torture getting them to laugh.