Wednesday 24 January 2007

London explorations

Tate Modern - slides you could go down
London shuts down with this much snow, not a lot
Ciocia Sister Jolanta (my Aunt) and me
Trafalgar Sqare
Ella and Piotr

Just now wrapping up two days in London visiting my mother's cousin, Ella, and her husband Piotr. I'd just met Ella once a few years ago and was happy to be coming to visit her some more.

On Tuesday they met me at Waterloo and we headed off for Tate Modern by way of a brisk walk down the Thames in the bitter wind. I loved the Picasso and Klee, but there were also some oddities: a canvas painted only black, a neatly piled of bricks, and a box of Brillo pads ... if I'd known this was art I could have been a famously rich artist. *chucks the engineering books out the train* Went down one of the shorter slides as I'd forgotten to get a ticket for the 5 story one when we came in. It'll just have to be one of those "next times."

We then headed off home to play with their wonderful border collies, Aza and Latek.

Wednesday morning I went to go visit my Carmelite aunt, Sister Jolanta. Everything was running a bit slow because London had seen some snowfall overnight. Although it didn't last long it was nice to wake up to a white city. Spent 2 hours with her catching up on family events and pictures, as well as meeting two other sisters who came to see the Astronaut (close enough to Aerospace Engineering for them).

Had to high tail it across to Charing Cross at Trafalgar Square so I could get a mere 45 min in at the National Gallery. Whizzed through the Sainsbury exhibit (almost), saw Monet to Picasso (gorgeous!) and ran upstairs for a bit of Leonardo daVinci.

My rush was all because I had splurged and bought matinee 4th row center tickets at Apollo Victoria Theatre for Wicked. Made it just in time and had a blast. Amazing show, great voices, entertaining and endearing. I really do like the Wicked Witch of the West, not so much of the East.

Tried to get on the tubes when the show got out but it was smack in the middle of rush hour so I ran back up the stairs and right into a pub, nursed a pint at a much sought after table, and read the local tabloid news before braving the crowd below.

Ella and Piotr have been amazing. They're so nice and welcoming, but ready to trick you into believing that the public bathrooms have been closed right before your arrival ... once again. Funny how that seemed to keep ALMOST being the case. I'll have to come bother them again for longer next time I'm here and hopefully they won't mind as much. ;-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What is it with you and all these dogs? Im pretty sure people have border collies here too. Sounds cool though! See you when you get to CO!